Friday: all still fine (plus glassblowing)

A quick update:

Just wanted to let you know we are both doing fine. Val’s been hanging with friends and playing music today, while incredible people clean our house, fix our basement toilet, vacuum our garage, organize our finances, and perform other superheroic endeavors. She feels a bit low energy but otherwise no discernible effects from the chemo so far.

I took a great break this morning to hang out with my sister Abby, who is in town for an international glassblowing conference. This morning I watched her and her team create a fantastical salmon out of glass and thin air.

itty-bitty-fishy fishtail

More soon.

Love to you all.


heating the fish concentration salmon with fish and sailboat

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3 thoughts on “Friday: all still fine (plus glassblowing)

  1. Wow–your sister rocks! You come from a clan of strong women! I’m glad you were able to have such a great break.

    Your comment about finances in order reminds me of something I don’t think I’ve mentioned yet. Get yourself two good-sized 3-ring binders. In one of them keep anything medical. Lab reports, medications, reports from dr’s visits (you have to ask for these). In the other one keep everything related to medical expenses. Bills from drs, insurance statements, mileage record (you can deduct this on your taxes–at least you could a couple of years ago, you’ll have to check on this one), and your Written Notes from Every Time you speak to someone at the insurance company with the date, time and name of person you spoke to. Ideally everything will be in writing, because anything you are told on the phone is nearly useless, but sometimes you can’t wait for a paper trail, so make the phone call but keep copious notes. And put them in your binder. If you ever have to go back to something you were told on the phone it makes all the difference in the world if you can say “on this date I spoke to this person and they said…..” I hope this doesn’t sound intimidating. I just know that being organized and systematic really pays off in this situation, even if it doesn’t come naturally.

    So good to hear reports of the amazing circle of love that is surrounding you.

  2. Rachel, this is so helpful. I’ve got a medical binder up and running (including a few receipts), and a nutrition binder (courtesy of our friend Dara), but hadn’t even thought about tracking insurance, mileage and all that other financial info. Thank you!

  3. Deb/Rachel:
    Yes, mileage is still legally tax deductible for medical visits.
    Val-my friend John Ketchens from ABQ is going to try to connect with you this weekend. I hope speaking with him is helpful.

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