
It was a miserable night. Intermittently miserable, anyway, interspersed with chunks of sleep. Val coughed and coughed, coughed and puked. Remember that time you had the really croupy flu? And you coughed so hard it felt like you’d crack your ribs, and then your abdominal musclesĀ were soreĀ (not to mention your throat) for days and days? And every time a new cough started up you’d wince and think, oh please, not again; and it would be twenty trembly minutes later before you could stop? And you had to sleep sitting up in the living room chair because your lungs filled with glue every time you tried to lie down?

Like that.

Like that after a week of falling off your bike onto railroad tracks. And after gulping a big mouthful of water down the wrong way.

Or so I surmised, from watching.

Radiation this afternoon. Here’s hoping that plus the antibiotics make a big difference.


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3 thoughts on “groggy

  1. Well, I’m guessing you got at least an eensy weensy bit of sleep because you got all poetic in your descriptions again.

    I’m sorry this is all so damn hard and hoping hoping hoping the anitbiotics make a big positive difference way sooner than the radiation, because that sounds like far too long to kick in (not that there was a better option, just feeling bad that Val would have to be feeling this way so much longer).

    I hope whoever is organizing the doing of things that need to be done will post here so those of us in the outer circle will know how to be most helpful.

    Sending much love in the mean time…

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