small mercies

Salut, mes amis. Guess what? I have some news that is not horrible!

Normally I like to make a proper anecdote, with suspense and story arc, but I won’t make you live through the whole day with us. I’ll give it to you straight up:

Val’s PET scan, in the words of our pulmonologist, “does not show any evidence of cancer outside of the chest.”

Can I hear an amen?!? No extra cancer! No cancer besides the cancer in the chest that the CT scan has already revealed. Tomorrow Val is scheduled for an MRI, to double-check her brain, and then Thursday we meet with the oncologist.

Lots of hope and celebration in our house tonight!


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6 thoughts on “small mercies

  1. Hallelujah!!!!!! Thank God!! I am so thankful, Valerie!! Way to not let it spread!! You’ve got lots and lots of years left in ya!! Love ya bunches!!!

  2. Woohoo! That’s such good news I can’t even believe it. I see a joyous Cleat dogpile of love in your future!

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