snippets and faith

Some things that are happening right now:

Val is laughing on the couch as Favor tells a story about a time her head was mistaken for a beaver.

Grapes and split-pea soup and wine are being consumed (by disparate people).

The dog is asleep with her fuzzy muzzle flattened against a piece of sheet music. The music is on the couch under the dog because we were just singing, Val playing bass with Kyla on guitar.

Now someone is confessing to youthful transgression involving fireworks and mailboxes. (She turned out okay though.)

Tomorrow is the PET scan. Wednesday the MRI. Thursday the oncology consult. I will be sorry to leave the relative calm of this eye of the storm, to return to the lacerating confusion of all those clipboards, plastic machines, un-homey smells, and calm strangers using unfamiliar, damning language in windowless rooms.

But every time I enter the house I see the handpainted sign that appeared in the garden one afternoon this week: Faith. Faith among the lavender and clover. Faith coming up the steps to my home. Faith in the form of all these lovely people laughing on the couch, singing with us, sharing our sorrow and our hope.

I have faith in these people. Together we can do this. Whatever this crazy thing is.



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One thought on “snippets and faith

  1. Dear Val and Deborah,
    I am so glad that you have such a wonderful circle of friends to be with you through this journey. I knew Val in another life (for me) and loved every conversation we had together. Provocative, fun and wonderful – I can see in the photos that both of you beautiful women continue to be so. I will be sending lots of music, love and prayers your way.
    Love, Mari

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