beach day

Valerie used to introduce me as “the excellent woman with whom I affiliate.” Our affiliation began with a trip to the beach, fifteen years ago today.

It happens that I am going to the coast today, for the first time in a couple years. I might eat some seafood; haul out the ol’ wheelchair for some town exploration; and (if my feet can handle the beach) probably fail to prevent the terrier from wallowing ecstatically in something unidentifiable at the tide line.

I will perch somewhere I can see the ocean horizon, and take some time to assess my verticality.

And I’ll drink in that glorious ocean air, in a toast to nearly fifteen fascinating years of affiliation with Val Garrison.

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3 thoughts on “beach day

  1. I hope that you had a great day and that you enjoyed the ocean and all that it offers. Love you, Deborah!

  2. O! the Coast. It’s good for what ails you, even if it brings back in full force the thing which ails you.

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