…I knew what she was talking about. It was the urban stride, the don’t-mess-with-me stride, the all-right-world, here-I-come stride we had learned in self-defense classes and on the streets of the cities where we lived…
the tedium of amorphous anxiety
Vicissitudes of the last few weeks (for those who wish to experience vicariously, in shorthand, the tedium of amorphous anxiety): For several weeks Val has had, off and on, some inexplicable waves of odd fatigue. Sinus infection? Allergies? Hormonal shifts as her body continues to rebound from last year’s chemo? Continue Reading
still here!
summer portrait
(clinical) trials and tribulations
A week ago I came in from taking out the compost to find a message on the answering machine from Dr. T., the oncologist: “I’ve got some new information about the clinical trial you’re on; give me a call this morning so I can fill you in.”
No Name Ridge
We went camping in Washington last weekend. It was gorgeous.
CT scan good
Good news: tiny bit smaller.
Quantum Bargaining
Last week the IRS sent me the sort of letter that sends all the blood from your extremities to your vital organs in preparation for last-ditch survival…
yesterday’s infusion: all fine
Regular treatment went just fine.
ob-la-di, ob-la-da
This is just a note to say we go in early for Val’s regular infusion tomorrow morning.
we have visuals again!
Holy cats, after all these months the photo shmackety (apart from some alignment weirdness) is working again! Thanks, webmistress! So here for your amusement are just a few snippets of what we’ve been up to lately: I’ve been teaching family literacy classes, mainly to teen moms and recent immigrants from Continue Reading