scan goes into overtime

Hi all. Foo, we sure leave you hanging these days, don’t we? Sorry ’bout it. Sometimes it’s because we get busy living, and it’s so nice not to be thinking about cancer every minute of the day. Sometimes, like now, it’s because we don’t have clear info to impart.

So we saw the oncologist and the upshot was, Val will have another scan in 6 weeks*. And that one should clarify this one. Telling us whether the perhaps-enlarged lymph node, and the tiny blurry new maybe nodule/s, are shadows leftover from the phelgmulous cold she had in NZ, or whether, you know, not.

All other parts of her body demonstrate “stable appearance.” And her “left lung remains unremarkable,” although in my view it has proven itself quite a remarkable lung, as has its pulmonary partner.

As ever, stay tuned.

xo D

*Most recent scan was Jan 3. Next one currently scheduled for Feb 14, with results on Feb 18.

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One thought on “scan goes into overtime

  1. It’s odd, being on the outside (thankfully, knock on wood) of this whole cancer thing to think that the medical people would need to do another scan to clarify. I mean, in all the films* the Doctor says “It’s (or Isn’t) X!” and the plot moves on. This would not make a very good film as the Doctor seems to be saying, “Perhaps it is X! Maybe! Let’s wait awhile longer and see!” And then the audience would have to make multiple trips to the snack bar and restrooms while waiting the six weeks until the doctor gave a (perhaps?) clearer answer.

    So while we are shifting in our seats and waiting for the next scene, I hope you guys are doing something fun off camera.

    Sending good wishes,

    *Once again Patricia is reminded that life is not like movies.

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