
I’m going through the Montana pictures and videos and thought you’d enjoy watching Tuley’s first foray in her homemade snow booties.  She hadn’t been out of the house for three days for more than a minute at a time because of the cold, and she was ecstatic, if somewhat tractionless.


More pictures coming soon.


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5 thoughts on “Snowglee

  1. Val and Deb,
    It was good to see you both + Tuley while we were all in Eureka and thanks for the sledding. Many thanks to your mother who always has delicious treats laying about the house! Sorry I missed the evening out too!
    Deb-here’s some SLUG info:
    “In the big picture the purpose of a slug’s life is similar to the purpose of any life. Slugs fulfill roles within the environment that includes functions like converting decaying matter into more useful fertilizers for later generations of plant and animal life. They are food for birds and frogs, some eat garbage and other refuse that lays around and of course many eat hole in leaves of garden plants providing gardeners with things to complain about.
    Some believe that all lives on the planet are in a state of spiritual evolution. In that case a slug’s life might be a starting place for a soul with a long way to go. Certainly slugs have served to make me marvel at the unlikely diversity of life forms.”

    And I liked this person’s response to “How do I kill slugs?”
    “I would prefer that you not kill slugs. If you must, please don’t tell me. Beer works as a lure and a death that I hope is painless. As an alternative, I suggest that YOU drink the beer, relax and live in harmony with slugs. ”

    As for banana slugs…haven’t found the answer to that one yet. Guess it’s the same, just on a much BIGGER scale.

  2. GAAD!
    Sorry to hear about the ups and downs. I am grateful that the scariest thing I had to do today was climb an extension ladder to our 2nd story to look at the roof (cause there is an elusive leak happening). I had the small terror and bit of tears that did not spill and then I got to go climb up and up with the ladder bouncing and creaking looking steadily at my sweet Katie’s face holding the top of the ladder so that it did not slide off of the roof (so that I fell like I used to in my young dreams of falling). Glad to read anything from you gals – you are the articulate, sweet, loving best!

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