CT results

Dear all, Dr. S just called to let Val know that the scan results show her cancer continues to progress. This confirms what her symptoms suggested to us. It also means she no longer qualifies for the Tarceva trial, so at least she can recover from that set of side Continue Reading


Dears, Today we went in for Val’s treatment and to meet with the oncologist. I’ve been worried because it seems to me that Val’s condition — especially her breathing and energy — has worsened rapidly in the last month. She’s been wheezing audibly; taking shallow breaths to avoid coughing;and her Continue Reading


Oh, cancer. You are such an exhausting prima donna. Go home. Get a day job. Take up fly-fishing. Become a cabbie, maybe? Turn all that energy to something productive, for once. Val had a CT scan Friday. We got the results this morning, and they were not we hoped or, Continue Reading


Dearest and fondest and best, i am here! still. and i realize it has been a big vast silence for these many months and i am sorry. i went to new zealand. and after that i did some laundry. on Monday they scanned the inside of me. i suppose somewhere Continue Reading