the wee hours


Val had a painful night culminating in a trip to the ER at 4:00 in the morning. Three of us went with her. She sometimes gets these intensely painful muscle spasms in inexplicable places: around one side of her rib cage; along part of her spine… Last night’s was in her neck and trapezius. Nowadays with her breathing so compromised the combination of muscle agony and a degree of panic can really make it hard for her to get air, so we called for paramedics at 4:00 and took her to the nearby hospital. They ran some tests but in the end couldn’t do anything but dope her up on muscle relaxers and major pain meds. She was then so out of it (and still in considerable pain) that we couldn’t move her until 10:30 this morning, when we staggered home. We’ve spent the rest of the day (while Val sleeps) making medical phone calls and trying to organize the million shifting pieces of our ongoing survival puzzle.

more later when I’m not so sleeplessly stupefied,





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2 thoughts on “the wee hours

  1. Hello my dears–this is another Rachel, the moved-to-Cali one…

    I’ve been completely out of the loop. And lately lurked back on to FB and this blog and back into various loops in various ways.

    I’m thinking of you both.

    I’m thinking of the preciousness of our breath, and of life, and of ‘unfairness’ and wanting things to be other than they are, and of the cultivation of gratitude and love.

    Sending so much metta and wishes for ease and calm and kindness

    sincere love,

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