In Montana, doing fine

Hi all,

Just a quick note from a wifi cafe in Eureka, Montana to say that we made it out of Portland (despite some hairy conditions on I-84) and safely to Montana in one loooooong day last Saturday.  It was -18 when we arrived and snowing beautifully.  (Hey, does anyone know why snow is more sparkly when it’s really cold out?  Does it crystallize differently or something?)

In Portland, of course, there’s been snow and more snow and we understand the city’s been pretty well shut down.  This has included the Kaiser facilities so we still haven’t heard the results of Val’s CAT scan of a week ago.

We’ve occupied ourselves eating, sledding, hiking (wading) through snow, cooking, eating, inventing snow booties so the dog could get outside for heaven’s sake, eating, doing puzzles, and watching football.  (Photos of the more scenic activities to come.)  Tomorrow (Saturday) we begin a carefully-strategized two-day drive back to Portland, caravaning with Brad and Dominique.  We’ll spend the night in Ritzville.  Wish us luck and safe travels, and the same to all of you!




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