p.s.: kingfisher

A bit of bright news: my mystifying feet continue their steady improvement. On a good day, and there are several of those in a week, I am now able to walk a mile on a little nearby trail, without using my walker and without too much pain. The trail goes around a small lake and wetland tucked into a tiny canyon on a nearby college campus, and for being right in the city it is amazingly full of wildlife. I can’t tell you what a balm this is for my soul, to be able to get down there on that muddy trail in the cold wet springtime and tuck myself into this pocket of nature. There are beavers (I see their freshly-chomped sticks all the time); otters (I’ve seen them three times now!); rough-skinned newts; and all kinds of insects and birds in fine early-spring fettle. The Indian plum is sending up tiny green leaf flames, the geese are raucously flirting, and last week the brassy, big-headed kingfisher came back. We are all back, and I am intensely grateful.




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2 thoughts on “p.s.: kingfisher

  1. Best Deborah news in years: “On a good day, and there are several of those in a week”

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