sorrow and pie

My dears,

It’s been a hard week or two. Val returned from Montana so glad to have seen her family, but exhausted and with a nasty cough. The doctor prescribed antibiotics, and Val felt improvement for a couple days, but since the weekend she’s been intermittently feverish, coughing more, breathing worse, often in pain, and just wiped out. Walking across the room has become a significant endeavor, not undertaken casually.

She is also incredibly sad about her mom’s progressing illness. I am too. We are sending lots of love to Betty and everyone in the Eureka household.

Val has treatment on Monday, after which she’ll have reached the point in the trial when they do the first CT scan; so some time in the next couple-three weeks we should have a glimpse at what’s happening in her lungs.

I continue to be blown away by the energy so many lovely people continue to find to support Val (and me) through some pretty overwhelming times. I would like to make you all pie and send you singing telegrams every day. Thank you for cleaning the house, walking the dog, bringing the food, organizing the chaos, sending the notes, making Val laugh, making me laugh, making the dog laugh, carrying your sorrow gracefully and bearing witness to ours, and just steadily supplying your love and your strong shoulders, month after month. It makes all the difference in the world.



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