Saturday: kinda crummy

hey all, val’s energy dropped back down somewhat today.  she’s worried she might be getting a cold, and her chemo aches and pains have not cleared up yet so she’s still popping tylenol.  not so much fun.  lots of movie watching, some short dog walks.  she made us a wonderful dinner, though, of salmon and roasted brussels sprouts and yams and steamed chard.

there have been colds and strep throat going around portland so i’m trying to keep any diseases at bay myself with vitamin c, zinc, and plenty of good food and sleep.  so far so good.

we’ve entered just a few more dinner dates in the helping calendar, as my work schedule gets busier and val’s energy level lingers at low ebb.  it is astonishing to me that people all over town are still keeping an eye on us and have already signed up for things.  i thank you humbly and very sincerely: the food and caring truly help to keep us afloat.

deborah, who spent a satisfying and useful day cleaning house

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One thought on “Saturday: kinda crummy

  1. Hello, Ladies

    I wish I could cook some food to bring to you both. Of course, that is assuming I had time to cook (I would make time). It is grey here in Anchorage – it has been so rainy this year that I walked outside this fine Fall day and said to myself “what a beautiful day” – because it was not raining. It is beautiful smelling: leaves turning to soil and moist earth. Colors falling from trees and making more open space to see the sky.
    I will send my loving thoughts to your immune systems for good health.

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