sniffles and salmon

Hi all,

Happily, Val’s x-ray results show no signs of pneumonia.  So we’ve been instructed to keep an eye on the cold, do all the things people do for colds, and return for medical attention if she should get a persistent or high fever.

As someone who is always very interested in food, I figured you’d like the dinner report while you’re here.  Tonight (in stages over two hours) we ate:

  • fresh soup incorporating leeks, squash and potatoes from Diana’s veggie delivery, beef stock lovingly prepared by Liz and Nik, quinoa, lentils, and a variety of other vegetables;
  • kale cut from our garden, steamed; over
  • multigrain rice with little crunchy purple things in it that might also be some kind of grain;
  • stir-fried portobello mushroom with onion, honey and a green pepper from Diana;
  • cucumber salad made of cucumbers grown by Cynthia from seedlings that began at our house.

Now we are lolling about on our backs with our stomachs cresting above us like balloons.  Val is watching political TV and I am about to study up my salmon facts to be ready to help staff the annual Salmon Festival at Oxbow Park this weekend.  Did you know young salmon (smolts) migrating from their freshwater home turf (so to speak) toward the ocean often move downstream backward?

Also, did you know there was once a sabertooth salmon??


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3 thoughts on “sniffles and salmon

  1. It is the moment for colds – at least for those affected by the planet turning her head away from the sun. In solidarity I have just gotten over a cold. Glad to hear the supply of fresh and nourshing food continues… sending love.

  2. Hey Val (and D. and friends), I have a cold too! Bleh. And I bought a car. And I’m staying with my folks in Milw. at least half the time. So, when I am better and you are up for it I can drive to your place and visit or bring you tomatos or something. Thinking of you: you are so wonderful. Take care love.

  3. Hi Valerie-
    I don’t know if you remember me. I’m Margie Brown’s partner of 30 years. I just heard about your
    cancer and am sending you good thoughts and energy.
    Hang in there.
    Take care,

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