CT results

Dear all, Dr. S just called to let Val know that the scan results show her cancer continues to progress. This confirms what her symptoms suggested to us. It also means she no longer qualifies for the Tarceva trial, so at least she can recover from that set of side Continue Reading

p.s.: kingfisher

A bit of bright news: my mystifying feet continue their steady improvement. On a good day, and there are several of those in a week, I am now able to walk a mile on a little nearby trail, without using my walker and without too much pain. The trail goes Continue Reading

sorrow and pie

My dears, It’s been a hard week or two. Val returned from Montana so glad to have seen her family, but exhausted and with a nasty cough. The doctor prescribed antibiotics, and Val felt improvement for a couple days, but since the weekend she’s been intermittently feverish, coughing more, breathing worse, Continue Reading


Dears, Val is in Montana visiting her dad, Miles; her sister, Sandy; and her mother, Betty, who is very sick with pancreatic cancer. Miles and Sandy (and Val’s sister Jane, and other visiting family) have been taking good care of Betty. Everyone is very tired and sad, and glad to Continue Reading


Val started treatment this past Monday: daily Tarceva pills and a biweekly infusion of MM-121. She’s been very fatigued all week but apparently this treatment doesn’t typically increase fatigue, so that could be just cumulative exhaustion plus a busy social schedule. The predicted, uncomfortable, acne-like rash has not yet made Continue Reading


My dears, Val has caught some kind of virus and has been miserable with a fever of 101-103 since Tuesday. Last night the fever finally broke for a while, but it’s creeping back up again. She’s been coughing again, can’t keep food down, and just generally feels weak and awful. Continue Reading